As a general clearing participant, FinClear offers issuers and corporate advisory businesses the ability to fully outsource the delivery vs payment (DVP) settlement of IPOs and placements. For issuers, larger funds participating in their capital raise will usually be required to settle their allocation electronically via DVP. Likewise, corporate advisory businesses find access to deal flow can be impeded unless they can settle with joint lead managers via a DVP cycle.
FinClear closes this gap in a cost-effective, streamlined manner by either acting as market settlement agent for a capital raise, or settling to a client’s preferred HIN without an onerous onboarding process.
This is charged at a flat fee per placement and pricing includes processing of applications with ASX, placing all DVP lines, chasing settlement, remittance of settlement proceeds to the company etc. FinClear also supports the settlement of an externally sourced allocation from a Lead or Joint Lead Manager.
As an additional service, FinClear can source participation in IPO’s and Placements and distribute them to the FinClear network allowing clients to participate directly via FinClear with FinClear liaising directly with the Lead Broker and organising settlement. FinClear is particularly strong in this area given the relationships provided by our corporate partners and board members.