Managed Accounts can offer wealth managers, financial advisers and their client’s significant advantages. As a result, their adoption has risen substantially and therefore, becoming an important tool in delivering better financial outcomes through enhanced personalisation, greater control, improved operational efficiency, risk mitigation for advisers and AFSLs and superior transparency for all parties.
FinClear managed account solution removes the costly layers of non-transparent asset ownership by empowering clear and direct client ownership.

FinClear Professionally Managed Portfolio (PMP)
A FinClear Professionally Managed Portfolio (PMP) offers clients simple, low-cost pricing, which is all-inclusive, so there are no hidden additional fees. Brokerage, execution, and administration (mail house and corporate actions, etc.) along with reporting are all taken care of and is included in the one FinClear Management Fee.
Either an SMSF and/or Investment client can invest in one or more of the portfolios if recommended by an adviser.
HIN BASED – All assets are held in the client’s name for security and transparency
LOW FEES – 0.2-0.3% p.a. FinClear Fee + investment Manager Fee*
0% – Zero brokerage on all accounts
$0 – No hidden additional costs**
FEE CAP – FinClear fee capped at 3.9K***
Minimum $300 FinClear fee per account p.a. *Investment Manager fees range from 0.1-0.45%
**ETP ICR fee not included ***Fee cap applies on account balances over 1.3 million. All fees are ex GST.

0.3% p.a FinClear fee + Investment Management fee*
Zero brokerage on all MDA accounts
No hidden additional costs**
FinClear fee capped at $3.9k***

Why a managed Portfolio?
Managed Portfolios use the expertise and research of an Investment Manager, Adviser, Practice, or Licensee to achieve a customisable investment solution for an individual client.
Clients can have a professional Investment Manager and/or a tailored portfolio that does not require them to be involved in all the investment decisions thus reducing their administrative burden but also that of the adviser along with enabling changes to be executed without delay, reducing timing risk.
Listed portfolios enable your clients to have ownership of their shares thus giving them access to company dividends and imputation credits that can improve tax outcomes.
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FinClear Tailored Managed Portfolios (TMP)
FinClear can work with an Investment Manager, Practice and/or Licensee (AFSL) to create a tailored Managed account solution. Please contact us to discuss.